Pozvánka na workshop: Let´s talk about history! (Prague, 22-24 May 2019)

‘Let’s talk about history!’ – Public history through face-to-face communication. Workshop in Prague, 22–24 May 2019. Organisers: German Historical Institute Warsaw / Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam.

Potential subject areas are:
(1) Protagonists: motivation, working conditions, training
(2) Phenomenology: narration in city and museum tours etc.
(3) History didactics and museum education: re-oralisation of historical narratives,
presentation techniques, inclusion
(4) Linguistics: everyday language / plain language, multilingualism and translation,
(5) Theoretical perspectives: orality and re-oralisation in written (or digital) cultures
(6) Methodology: ethnography, participatory observation, narrative analysis / folkloric
narrative research, relationship to ‘oral history’

We welcome proposals from all disciplinary backgrounds. Please send your abstract (up to
350 words) and a short biography to Sabine Stach (stach@dhi.waw.pl) / Irmgard Zündorf
(zuendorf@zzf-potsdam.de) by 18 November 2018. Travel costs within Europe will be
covered and accommodation will be arranged.

More information find here.